Category Archives: National Day of Protest 11/15

Event Information

Event: Marriage Equality and GLBTQI rights Rally
Location: San Francisco City Hall, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Pl.
Time: 10:30 A.M. – 12:00 P.M.

The rally this Saturday will feature speakers from all parts of the GLBTQI community and its supporters, including local politicians, civil rights leaders, and religious leaders. We are committed to being an inclusive, anti-racist event. The event will be a peaceful rally in support of marriage equality and full equality, and we welcome everyone to attend that supports equality for all!

Speakers will provide perspective and action plans for restoring the rights of all people to marry, as advocated by millions of Californians including Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. The rally will provide our movement with a huge local network on which we can organize future protest actions.

A handicapped-accessible area will be reserved for persons with disabilities on the sidewalk in front of the City Hall steps, and there will be ASL interpreters present.

We encourage people to make signs to express their support for marriage equality and civil rights. Against8 and wistfuljane have downloadable flier designs in a variety of sizes.

Via Protest8LA, Shepard Fairey, designer of the Obama Hope poster, has generously created this image for people to use as signs and fliers:


(Click image for full size image).

We encourage people to bring video cameras and cameras to record the event. Put your rally photos up at the protestprop8 flickr and your video footage up at YouTube (and link it in the comments here)!


Filed under JoinTheImpact, National Day of Protest 11/15, Prop. 8, Prop. 8 Protest, San Francisco

Press Release: National Day Of Protest

For Immediate Release

November 11, 2008

Contact: Cat Kim,

Alternate contact: Eric Schiller (

Join the Impact SF calls on all those who find Proposition 8 unacceptable to join us for a protest Saturday, November 15 at 10:30 at City Hall in conjunction with the National Day of Protest. Speakers will provide perspective and action plans for restoring the rights of all people to marry, as advocated by millions of Californians including Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.

In coordination with protests at city halls all over the nation, the rally will chart the way forward for equal rights guaranteed to us by the United States Constitution. The diversity of the civil rights movement will be on display, showing the nation that this struggle includes all of us, not just those desiring same-sex weddings. We are reaching out to all, especially members of groups that have suffered oppression and discrimination.

We support the right of individuals to have whatever religious beliefs they wish, but are prepared to confront institutions of bigotry and hate. We demand the reversal of the bigoted Proposition 8, as a major step in the struggle for civil rights that will continue until discrimination on the basis of sexual and gender orientation is eliminated entirely.

We will be asking for outreach efforts and will be mounting a campaign for all Americans to publicly publicly show their support for same-sex marriages that have taken place by signing an online holiday card celebrating their union. The protest will provide our movement with a huge local network on which we can organize future protest actions.

Featured speakers include

State Senator Carole Migden
State Senator-Elect Mark Leno
Stuart Gaffney and John Lewis; Plaintiffs in the California marriage case
Mark Oliver and Clark Pingree; Representing “Mormons for Marriage”
Rev. Dr. Penny Nixon
Rev. Dr. Dorsey Blake

and many more. Our speakers and organizers will be available for media interviews at the event.

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Filed under JoinTheImpact, National Day of Protest 11/15, Press Release, Prop. 8, Prop. 8 Protest

Fliers Available!

Heads up:

Clubcard Printing in the Castro will have english and spanish posters and fliers ready for anyone to pick-up.

If you need a specific language version please call us at 415-865-1930 or email mikew or juan
@ clubcardprinting. com

We are easy to get to on Market & 16th street between (J-line streetcar, and we are between the Castro and Church Muni stations)

Flier DISCOUNT: Express Print has agreed to give us discounted rates for flyers. To get the discount, say that you’re copying fliers for the protest this Saturday.

For black and white: 5 cents each (100 for 5 dollars) For color: 35 cents each. The shop is located at 1410 Franklin Street (between Sutter and Fern), 94109. Phone Number: (415) 928-7865 Email: ep1410 AT

Thank you very much to Clubcard Printing and Express Print!

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Filed under Fliers, JoinTheImpact, National Day of Protest 11/15, Prop. 8, Prop. 8 Protest, San Francisco

More Fliers

If you want to put up fliers in any other language, email your translation and the area you plan to flier to protest8jon AT gmail .com. Requests must include translations of these phrases:

Rally Against Proposition 8
More info at
Join the Impact // National Protest

Clicking on the images below will take you to the full-size PDFs.

From Nathan, Winson, and Jon:


A Japanese flier.

From Tim:


For more fliers, click this link: Continue reading


Filed under Fliers, JoinTheImpact, National Day of Protest 11/15, Prop. 8, Prop. 8 Protest, San Francisco

Publicity: Prime Volunteer Opportunity

We have fliers in English, Chinese, and Spanish here for you to download, post online, print, and post up all over the city and your neighborhoods. Please be respectful of public and private property and avoid posting fliers on bus stops and historic lamp posts. Comment with your name and area and if you can print fliers for other people, leave your email, too. The more publicity, the better, so even if someone is already putting up fliers in your neighborhood, please volunteer!

Alamo Square – serafina (can print for others, serafinak AT gmail .com)
Ashbury Heights – Kristen
Bayview / Hunter’s Point – Raul H.
Bernal Heights – Lisa (can print for others), Sony
Castro – John, Luis, Christo
Civic Center
Cole Valley – Eva
Cow Hollow
Diamond Heights
Downtown / Embarcadero & Market area – Steve
Fillmore – Eva
Fisherman’s Wharf
Glen Park – Jennifer
Haight-Ashbury – Kristen
Hayes Valley – Todd
Laurel Heights – Ryan
Lower Haight
Mission HAVE SPANISH FLIERS – Lisa (can print for others)
Nob Hill – Lindsay
Noe Valley
Nopa – Briana
North Beach
Pac Heights – Kristie
Panhandle – Kristen, Briana
Polk Gulch
Potrero Hill
Presidio – Andrea
Presidio Heights
Inner Richmond – Ryan, Sarah (slgonzales AT usfca .edu)
Outer Richmond
Russian Hill/Polk St. – Kristie
SoMa – John, Todd
South Beach
Inner Sunset – led (the_jade_greene AT yahoo .com) needs fliers
Outer Sunset
Telegraph Hill
Tenderloin – Evyan
Twin Peaks
Western Addition

East Bay – Amanda, Jessica, David L., 2blackcats, Barbara, Wolfi
South Bay – Jen, 2blackcats, Melissa, Angelina
Northern Peninsula –

Academy of Art
UC Berkeley – David, Jillian
Cañada College (Redwood City) – David
CCSF – Angelina
Golden Gate University – equalitynowsf AT gmail .com
SFSU – Eva, Chris
USF – Ryan contacted LGBTQ caucus, Sarah (slgonzales AT usfca .edu), Lindsay

Please tell me if I’ve left out a neighborhood. It’s a long list, but this blog has gotten over 4,000 hits in less than 48 hours. There are people here living in every single neighborhood and around the Bay Area, so if you can print a few fliers and commit to putting them up, leave a comment with your email and neighborhood. Not everyone has access to a printer, so if you’d like to distribute fliers to other people to put up, leave a comment with your email and neighborhood so people in your area can get in touch. To kick things off, led is willing to flier in Inner Sunset (hang on until we can get some Chinese fliers up, though) but needs fliers. Someone want to help out?


Filed under Fliers, JoinTheImpact, National Day of Protest 11/15, Prop. 8, Prop. 8 Protest, Publicity, San Francisco

More Fliers

More fliers from Kristen:


Right-click and save as to download the full-size version of the flier here (PDF).


Right-click and save as to download the full-size version of the flier here (PDF).

From Ryan:


Click on the image to get the full-size version of the flier.

Take these and print them, put them up around your neighborhood, leave them at stores and community centers, hand them out on the street, give them to your coworkers, friends, family, and classmates. Put the fliers on your own sites or link to them here.


Filed under Fliers, JoinTheImpact, National Day of Protest 11/15, Prop. 8, Prop. 8 Protest, San Francisco

Organizing: To Do

Alright folks, let’s roll up our sleeves and get to it. The protest last night was fantastic. It was a spontaneous, grassroots and netroots uprising that resulted in thousand of people peacefully marching through the streets for the cause of equality and GLBTQI rights! And the best thing is, it’s just the beginning. We, the GLBTQI and allied denizens of SF, need to raise our voices and bring our cause to national attention and make sure that everyone knows that marriage equality is about civil rights and full equality under the law!

To that end, here’s a short list of things to organize for the Nov. 15, 10:30 A.M. rally at City Hall:

1. Get permits: Edited: We are getting a permit, thank you for all your help!

2. Speakers: Edited: Thank you all for your suggestions and emails, we have a full list of people to contact for speaking and have leads on getting ASL interpreters for the event.

3. PA System: Edited: We have leads on sound systems, thank you.

4. Publicity: There are a few ways to get the word out, and to be effective we need to use all of them:

  • Community Outreach: The need for publicity coincides with the outreach to all our communities. We need to contact GLBTQI organizations, political organizations, religious organizations, minority organizations, schools, etc. (any suggestions for the list? Please comment.) and ask them to contact their members. These requests for publicity and attendance are the most effective when they come from community members, so if you belong to a religious group, an activist group, a political group, etc., please talk to folks in your community about coming to the protest.
  • Schools: college and high school students, particularly members of GLBTQI organizations, that are interested in volunteering with publicity or organizing – contact your organizations for publicity, put up fliers around campus, etc. If you’re interested in organizing your school’s club for publicity or have familiarity with organizing events, please check out the fliers page and spread the word with your organization!
  • Fliers: We need to get fliers up and out, which is where everyone with access to a printer and a stapler or tape come in: print the fliers and put them up at your community centers, dorms, apartment buildings, coffee shops, stores, libraries, and any place where you see a bulletin board. Please be respectful of private property.  Print some fliers, put them in your bag in the morning, and stick them up as you go about your day. This is a (non-comprehensive) list of the areas that need to be fliered.
  • Internet: Go viral. We need as much publicity across the internet as possible. The Facebook event is Join the Impact – San Francisco. Link to this post and cross-post it to your blogs, your Facebooks and MySpaces and Orkuts and any other social network, add it to Digg, StumbleUpon, Reddit, Newsvine, share it on Google Reader, and get the word out! If you are familiar with MySpace and want to create a page, email me.

5. Signs/Fliers: If you’ve designed fliers and signs for any anti-Prop. 8 protests and would like to share them, please send links or emails of the designs and I’ll link/post them here.  If you would like to make signs for people to print out and bring to the protest on Saturday, please send me links or emails.

Whew! Looking back at this list, it’s not all that long or hard. If everyone does something, we can easily take care of it all. However, that’s the key thing: everyone has to do something, whether it’s tell a colleague about the protest or stick up ten fliers or ask a leader to show their commitment to civil rights and speak at our protest. This protest is for our rights, it’s for our community, and it’s about our equality and dignity as human beings, which means that we need to step up and organize!


Filed under JoinTheImpact, National Day of Protest 11/15, Prop. 8, Prop. 8 Protest, San Francisco

Join The Impact: National Day of Protests, Nov. 15

The folks at JoinTheImpact are organizing a national day of marriage equality, pro-GLBTQI rights protests on November 15, on the steps of every city hall at 1:30 P.M. EST / 10:30 A.M. PST. They say,

We all come together in the month of June to celebrate Gay Pride, but few of us are even aware of why Gay Pride exists. Gay Pride is a celebration to commemorate the Stonewall Riots of 1969. Many say that the Gay Rights Movement began in 1969, which means that we are still a young movement and have accomplished a great deal in such a short amount of time. The generation that fought for us in 1969 deserves our gratitude and respect. This is a generation of amazing people who fought for our ability to hold hands in the street, to speak out against hate, to dance to our own “thumpa thump”, witness television shows with a queer cast, and come together in the streets celebrating for an entire month! This is the generation that opened the doors for us to even have a conversation about gay marriage, and this is the generation that deserves our help and our voices now. On June 27th, 1969, this generation came together in protest, jumping from closets, taking to the streets, and mobilizing in ways this country had never seen before! And what happened? The country was forced to respond. The Queer identity was forced onto the front pages and coffee tables of people’s worlds and people had to once and for all accept that we are human too!

Now, almost 40 years later we NEED to come together again. We need to show this nation that we are ONE LOUD VOICE THAT DEMANDS TO BE HEARD! We need to be one organized unit. Our gay pride shouldn’t be something we celebrate one month out of the year. Our gratitude towards the ones who came before us shouldn’t be ignored and wasted away with one party after another. We beg to be given a right that requires responsibility and commitment, yet we, as one strong community, have not proven to this nation that we deserve to be taken seriously! The gay pride parade has become a great party, but it has lost the memory of Stonewall and therefor given the nation another reason to cast us aside as irresponsible. It’s time we come together for debate, for public recognition, and for LOVE! Let’s move as one full unit, on the same day, at the same hour, and let’s show the United States of America that we too are UNITED CITIZENS [EQUAL] IN MIND, BODY, SPIRIT AND DESERVING OF FULL EQUALITY UNDER THE LAW!

On the steps of your City Hall on November 15th at 10:30am PST / 1:30pm EST, our community WILL take to the streets and speak out against Proposition 8 and all of the other pro-equality losses that we have faced in our lifetimes, in our parents’ lifetimes, and for many generations before us. WE CAN’T DO THIS ALONE! WE NEED YOUR HELP! We need organizers in every major city to work with us and get out the protest! I know you’re all tired from all of the work you’ve done for this great election year, but I’m asking for one more push! Let the country hear our voices together. Let them see that we are a strong, adamant, and powerful community that deserves equal rights, and CAN’T BE DEFEATED!

Send this post to everyone! We have one week and must react to the pro-hate votes cast against us! Let’s help our LGBTQ friends, families, neighbors, and each other to IMPACT this country with a demand for our basic human rights! Join the cause, join the voice, and JOIN THE IMPACT! [emphasis mine]

In San Francisco and all over the state, GLBTQI people and straight allies came together last night, and every night since Tuesday, Nov. 4, 2008, to show that we are proud members of our communities and that we will not disappear.  We will not be passive and we will not accept being told that our love is not real, that our marriages are not real, and that we should be content with a state constitution that legally defines us as inferior human beings.  Proposition 8 is a horrendous, homophobic measure that stripped away our rights, and we will not be silent.  We will stand up and show that we are a vibrant, diverse community of equal human beings and demand our rights!

It is vital that we turn out all over the state and nation and show our friends, family, neighbors, media, and politicians that we exist and we will fight for our rights! Go to to find out more, volunteer, and organize rallies in your own communities! On Saturday, Nov. 15, 1:30 PST, come to City Hall with your friends, families, and signs!

The turnout at last night’s rally was absolutely fantastic! Thousands of GLBTQI people, straight allies, young, old, able-bodied, disabled, black, white, Latin@, Asian, poor, wealthy, Jewish, Mormon, Christian, and atheist–all of us turned out to support one another, our community, and our rights. Our demonstration was non-violent but implacable, so let’s keep up the energy and turn out on Nov. 15 to show that we’re here and we will NOT BE SILENCED!


Filed under JoinTheImpact, National Day of Protest 11/15, Prop. 8, Prop. 8 Protest, San Francisco